Eric Oravsky

The Wilderness Junkie

Eric-WestGlacier-JumpEric Oravsky has a hard time sitting still. Growing up in Montana, he was exploring the wilderness with his parents before he could walk. He skipped hiking for skiing, teaching by the time he was in middle school. Snow became more scarce and he soon moved on to ultra trail running in college. The time outdoors has deepened the appreciation for wild places, inevitably leading him to Alaska.

Starting with photojournalism, and focusing on wildlands and adventure sports to raise awareness for the wild places he loves. Today he focuses on sustainable business practices and conservation. He likes to keep his body active and his mind engaged and that is largely what led to him to co-founding Adventure Flow. When he isn?t running with Adventure Flow, he can be found on a dance floor somewhere or getting ready for the next race.


Eric running the Juneau trails near the top of Mt. Jumbo. Below is the Gastineau channel cruise ships enter to reach Juneau.