Nugget Creek Trail

Juneau?s Prime Blueberry Haven

At the height of the East Glacier trail when you can hear the rumbling thunderous roar of Nugget Falls, there is an intersection that winds its way up along nugget creek toward Nugget Glacier. The smooth flow and powerful green glow of Nugget Creek moves through the valley with one of Juneau?s less traveled trails provides swimming holes in the summer and prime ski excursion in the winter.

The trail starts about a mile and a half along the East Glacier trail which is about half way around the loop. From there it meanders up along Nugget Creek through thick blue berry bushes making it a popular black bear trail as well. The steep sides of the valley also open up great views of the mountains once above tree line where mountain goats can often be seen.

From the very beginning trail users can get a peak of the mining history with the Nugget Creek dam. From there cables, equipment, and buildings can be seen from the path and along the valley. The main trail ends at the Vista Creek shelter, but there are many small trails that branch off to various points of interest. The main trail covers a little over two miles, making the whole length closer to four miles.




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